What a lovely exercise! 1.Abundance Anytime our Networth is increasing Anytime We try a different restaurant cuisine Anytime our investments are growing Anytime I’m helping a client or see someone grow Anytime I add stocks to our investment portfolio Connection Anytime Sammy and Takeaways from Day One of Tony Robbin’s Famous Date with Destiny from Netflix’s I’m Not Your Guru Documentary Today we created our values and the rules/conditions to be in life. Abundance Connection Generosity Prosperity Gratitude Wealth Adventure Family Grace Mission Growth Compassion Cheerfulness Power Virtues Commitment Passion Honesty Courage Tony Robbins Date with Destiny My Relationship Vision, My Power Virtues, and my Top 4 year goals. Sharing with you my vision, Mission Statement, Towards and Away Values and Rules. It’s interesting Takeaways from Tony Robbin’s Date With Destiny
I can’t believe how angry I was that he wasn’t listening to me. I was trying to enroll one of my mentees into this Personal Development Program called the Landmark Forum, and I realized how frustrated I was getting when he told me he dropped out of the program. Wealth Mastery, I share with you Lesson in Letting Go
Here is a review after completing Tony Robbins Ultimate Mastery Package: It includes 7 different events/Masterminds that you get to be a part of. Review of Tony Robbins Ultimate Mastery Package